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Few things in the garden.

I have a few different peppers that I grew from seeds from some of the THP members, but I'm not sure of some of them, I either got an odd plant due to open-pollenation, or I have them mapped wrong in my log.

First one labelled as Red Savina from Patrick:

Second labelled as Caramel Bhut from Patrick but they go from light green to a bright red, and they're a lot bigger than my other bhuts, kinda overgrown. Never see them go past red color:


Third labelled I believe as TS Butch T from Biscgolf, they go from green to red in nice blends, but I've seen too many pics of Butch T's to not be sure which one is accurate (note, this may also be labelled as 7 Pot's from Patrick, since their branches are next to each other and kinda weave):


Thanks for the assist. I have a few more I'll need clarification with but I'll get to them later. I just want to know what I'm dehydrating currently, lol.

Hi Frank. I would have to say you got a cross from me in both cases above. The Red Savinas I grew were much rounder and some even had little tails. The caramel BJ's were a lighter green during that stage and never made it to red. Both of them look good and I wouldn't mind having some seeds from your caramel BJ.