food Fiery acorn squash seeds om nom nom

So the other day I noticed that the main stem on my acorn squash plant had gone funky and decided to harvest the three squash on it.


Three squash, some orange habs, and a yellow short tabasco.
One of the squash had a hole in the bottom of it, maybe some insect found it not to his/her liking, so I cut off the small damaged part, cut it into quarters, roasted the flesh and saved the seeds.


Washed, soaked in heavily salted water overnight, and dried off a little.

Figured that I had some seeds, some good hot sauce, some fresh peppers, time to roast up some seeds!


Pro aluminum foil roasting dish with the seeds in it, some of Chilliman's Ghost Pepper Sauce (yum), some of my own hab concentrate/sauce from last year (also yum), a fresh orange hab and yellow short tabasco from the garden.


Minced up the hab and tabasco as finely as I could, which was harder than I thought it would be with the latex gloves on. Stuff that in your pipe and burn it, Mr. Hunan Hand!



Poured in a generous portion of the two sauces and the minced peppers. Mixed it up by hand, chucked it in the oven.

375 degrees Fahrenheit. Let it cook for 10 minutes then stirred it around a bit.
10 more minutes goes by.
I'm getting a nice nutty aroma in the kitchen, a quick peek shows a wee bit of color but not enough, so I put the spurs to the oven and turn up the temp.

My oven goes to eleven.

5 minutes later and not thinking of anything past my own desire to nom, I open the oven and stick my head in.
Pepper fumes.

Soon enough my vision returns and I'm greeted with a lovely batch of roasted acorn squash seeds.


Salty. Fruity from the sauces and fresh peppers. Wicked hot. Leaves a nice smoldering burn on the lips for a long time.

Good stuff.
I have two more squash and my pumpkin. I'm gonna be snacking on seeds for a long time, and that's a good thing.
Awesome!!! My mom always roasted pumpkin seeds w/ lots of butter when I was little. Soooo good. I bet the squash seeds + heat were even better!