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Figured it was just time before the spider mites showed up


yup...got red spider mites...


underside of leaf with the naked eye looks like little rust colored specks...


Sure enough, red spider mites...didn't take a pic with my macro..just used 24X digital zoom, but you can see they are red spider mites..


already hit everyting within 50 feet of the affected plant with safer soap...hope it controls them..

here is a good article on red spider mites...identifying characteristics, damage caused, and treatment...

Where's natural predators when you need them?

Last year, being a complete newbie, I stuck plants in the ground and they turned out great. This year, I started from seeds and like many of you have had all kinds of pests. I wonder if containers play a role?

Is anyone growing in dirt, without any plastic or special watering system - in other words, as just part of your garden? If so, are you having infestation problems?

Hey AJ are these like stretched out but thin looking lady bug things.For whatever reason I can`t open your link.I`ve been killing these things 24/7.Something has raised hell with my banana peppers chewing them up.Thanks for the help. Rich
they look like a little spider...don't know how else to explain it...they do have two distinct black spots on their backs...

I think pests are going to show up sooner or later anyway...its keeping on top of it that makes a difference...I do have a few lady bugs...
I hope you get rid of those nasty bugs, this year is bad all alone I lost lot of plant from frost May 27 than had hard time with dears today heals bomb my plant hope I have anything this year.

They invaded a couple of plants I tried to dig up and bring inside last fall - in just a few days the plants were destroyed.

I'm planning on brewing up a few gallons of a completely safe to humans but deadly to aphids and mites spray. Boiled tomato leaves mixed with hot pepper juice, diluted in rain water. I've got a 1-gallon sprayer I can pump up to the point it sprays a very fine mist. I figure 5 gallons of this stuff, which will cost maybe 50¢ in gas and water to produce, will be enough to last me a year.

I can see my son wanting to taste what's cooking - a couple of ripe Red Savina peppers in what looks like greens! I may mix in some garlic also - it's suppose to be good for mites.

No doubt, I'll have the tomato leaves and peppers to donate to the cause - it can't work any worse than other things I have tried.

Eeww... looks like those things are just starting to make a home. The leaf doesn't look too damaged yet.
I hope you get control soon. I hate those things!
wordwiz said:
Is anyone growing in dirt, without any plastic or special watering system - in other words, as just part of your garden? If so, are you having infestation problems?


I am Mike and nothing yet I say yet because our season is about a month or so different than say AJ's the biggest thing thats reeking havoc are chipmunks so far I have been lucky but I also think my dogs have been playing a role in keeping them at bay. I have been without Aphids or anything else so far this year but you can bet I have an itchy trigger finger and a bottle of Safer at first sign of attack :flamethrower:

Google for Castor oil and pest control. I've never tried it but I will as soon as Linda brings home a bottle.

Another Mike!