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Finally, at long last...peppers!!

Man I'm so excited! You would think I have tons of Bhut Jolokias ready to pick. Well no not exactly. It's just a regular ole Orange Hab LOL :D

It's been about 2 years since I've been able to get a good pepper plant going. I got so frustrated I stopped growing peppers altogher. Got back into this season and eell this little Orange Hab has been doing his part, getting big and bushy and then finally flowered TONS. I have habs growing all over this plant. I'm so excited and can't wait to tear into them.

I will have pictures soon but I was just so excited I had to post.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest ;)
Haha... it's a great feeling, ain't it?

Last season was my first time growing peppers and it went so badly that I was excited when I got just *two* ripe Orange Habs.
I am glad your sharing your story, I'm in the same boat. I have 56 plants growing this year only 2 have set pods. The heat has been relentless and more so the wind. Just last night we had about 3 hours of 30-40 mph gusty winds. Every time a thunderstorm rolls by it sets off the winds and beats them down. Keeping fingers crossed they come back strong when it cools down in late august and praying the cold stays away till November. By the way the ones doing best for me are a Peach Hab, Caribbean Red, Brazilian Starfish and a Naga Morich.

same situation here. 23 plants , finally got the superhots i've tried to obtain for 3 years and the only plant setting pods is the red savina i over wintered from last year. it's normally between 90 and 95 degrees here but this year it's been 105 consistantly withlots of wind and very little rain. i go out to take care of the plants and i feel like i'm gonna puke when i'm done. the heat and dryness has eliminated the usual pests but the ants are like i've never seen them. they randomly cut off leaves and have me cursing in front of the neighbors! so if i get 2 pods i'll be out there dancing like that seen from singin in the rain! i am overwintering every single plant i've got. no more messing around.
Hey Josh, Congrats brother! If you want to try some Bhuts or the others just let me know, I have alot turning ripe this week. I also have a Naga Morich plant that needs a good home if you want it.
Congratulations BurnsBothWays!! I know the feeling well. Last year was the first time I grew superhots. It was a few orange habs.(if that qualifies). The plant grew like crazy and had tons of flowers that were all dropping. That was so frustrating. After a little research and adding calcium, they exploded with pods. I remember the feeling well. Soon the plants looked like Christmas trees with too many orange ornaments. Such a great feeling! I love your enthusiasm.
Man I'm so excited! You would think I have tons of Bhut Jolokias ready to pick. Well no not exactly. It's just a regular ole Orange Hab LOL :D

It's been about 2 years since I've been able to get a good pepper plant going. I got so frustrated I stopped growing peppers altogher. Got back into this season and eell this little Orange Hab has been doing his part, getting big and bushy and then finally flowered TONS. I have habs growing all over this plant. I'm so excited and can't wait to tear into them.

I will have pictures soon but I was just so excited I had to post.

Thanks for letting me get that off my chest ;)

Congratz and appropriate description. ;)
we're all here with you, burns<--->,

It's so exciting to get some results form the efforts!

Post pics if you can, and in the meantime...WAHOOFORYOU!!!!!!