Finally......back to shipping pods!! :)

Hey everyone....

It has been a long past 8 months...and we are very pleased to say that we are officially back to selling fresh pods! :)

This weeks order that went out...Pictured below :)

Its a great start to the summer and it sure was a BUNCH of peppers! Totaling about 100+ SFRB's went out this week! Hope yall enjoy!! :)

Dale Jr


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theghostpepperstore said:
That is great Dale. Here's to another successful year :cheers:
Thanks B-rye! :) Hope u have another great year as well!! :)
megahot said:
Thats a whole lot of heat going out Dale!
Your tellin me! Just imagine deseeding these peppers for a few hundred thousand seeds...........Talk about HEAT!! My forearms are STILL on FIRE!! :)
Howdy Folks....
This is starting to become the "average" type of week we have this time of year :) Every Monday! :)
We shipped out about 150 SFRB's and another 100+lbs in "Bulk" orders today for this weeks shipping below! :)
We REALLY appreciate ALL the support from the community! Could not do it without everyone here!! :)
Sizzlin' Salutations!,
Dale E. Baker Jr
Baker's Peppers LLC
@BakersPeppers On Twitter


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Another good week! Thanks to u guys here that support us! :) Thanks again everyone! :)

Dale Jr

P.S.- If your fresh peppers purchased elsewhere do not come with some sort of "State Documentation" like pictured below, then i seriously suggest u reconsider where they are coming from! ;) Food for thought....


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Never thought to look at the date of the post.  Just noticed a topic that interests me: government regulations.  Here where I live, we have someone at our local extension office that will look up the rules on just about anything agriculture and help a person comply.  I would be lost without the extension office.  So many rules.