Finally Got Started

Well, the weather hasn't been cooperating here in the land of peppers so I haven't been able to plant.

Today was pretty nice so I decided to head on down to Lowe's (A mega-sized hardware store for our friends overseas) and picked up another serrano, 3 habs, and two jalapeños. On the plus side to that, I now have cups to start my yellow habs and cap pubescense. Oh, I also picked up a tabasco pepper too. I might have to make my own version of the classic.

Passow, my serrano you saw here during FFS is just now sprouting new leaves. Looks like it's a tough little plant!!!
Congrats on the new start Lynn. In a few weeks you have to take a picture of the Serrano for me( and the rest of us) to see. PS, you know a second year plant will produce larger, and more peppers right? :lol:

PS. I've finally cracked open your two to come in about two weeks.
Things are looking good. There is new growth showing up already on all plants.

Since our soil is pretty alkaline, is there anything I should add to the soil to help?