food Fire Bomb Anyone???

I decided to try making some poppers out of Yellow Habs. Hope y'all enjoy. :)


looking good big guy.....

What's in the habs???

and is there any bacon on that fat???? :lol:

I hate really fatty bacon....
The habs is stuffed with cream cheese and yes, there is bacon with the fat...:lol:

I just had one and :mouthonfire: Immediately after swallowing, I got the hick ups and my mouth is still on fire! WoW!!!

I think the next time I make these, I'll mix in some chives and garlic with the cream cheese.
However, they are so good, that despite the hickups and the tears streaming down my face, I can't stop eating them. OMG...It just keeps getting hotter the more you eat. :lol:
Well done pepperfreak.

They look hot. A nice tasty plate of those bad boys looks good, but the reality is that very few people (and definitely not me yet) can eat more than one in a sitting.

...the mouse pushes a button and receives a food pellet and a strong shock. After a while, the food behind it all is worth the shock, and the whole experience starts to feel good. Crazy mouse.
Well that certainly merits a hot blue and righteous PF! I don't use cream cheese anymore on poppers as it tends to ooze out prematurely, but looks like yours held up. The trick to those habs is to continue eating them until the plate is gone. You will get such a high. If it gets too much, have a spoon and some sour cream on standby.

Salute', TB.
frydad4 said:
Well done pepperfreak.

They look hot. A nice tasty plate of those bad boys looks good, but the reality is that very few people (and definitely not me yet) can eat more than one in a sitting.

...the mouse pushes a button and receives a food pellet and a strong shock. After a while, the food behind it all is worth the shock, and the whole experience starts to feel good. Crazy mouse.

Well I ate 3 of these fire bombs and let me tell you, I paid for it about 3:30 this morning. :lol:

texas blues said:
Well that certainly merits a hot blue and righteous PF! I don't use cream cheese anymore on poppers as it tends to ooze out prematurely, but looks like yours held up. The trick to those habs is to continue eating them until the plate is gone. You will get such a high. If it gets too much, have a spoon and some sour cream on standby.

Salute', TB.

Thanks TB...BTW, I did have the left over cream cheese on hand and I'm not ashamed to admit that I even ate it along with these poppers. The only thing I wish I had was some beer to wash them down with. I couldn't drink because of work.

patrick said:
Man those look yummeeee! Can almost smell that bacon. Good work Pfreak.

Thanks Patrick, I ate the bacon off the remaining 3 that I didn't eat and it was even hot. It was as if the Hab had melted into the bacon. Great flavor too.
great looking poppers PF...making my mouth water and my mind spin...

:gotta make poppers today...runs off to start smoker:
I'll have to try making some hab poppers when the pods on my second plant ripen up. They're still all green right now. Who knows, they may never ripen because of all the cloudy cold weather we've been having.
Well I ate 3 of these fire bombs and let me tell you, I paid for it about 3:30 this morning. :lol:

Ha ha!!! I love that comment, Last time I ate some salsa from a customer we manufacturer. He had on the mason jar in black marker..... S.H. salsa

I didnt think much of it, considering the salsa had tomatoes, peaches, apples, blueberries and honey in it.

I WAS SO WRONG. I got about 1 cup of the salsa down with chips and was blazing, and it was so twisted from the sweetness you couldnt help but love the buzz. Needless to say, I ate the salsa at 9pm and well around 5 times during the night i paid for it...
Well good news for me! A few of my orange habs are starting to ripen. The plant has about 25 of them on it so it may take a bit before they're all ready. It usually doesn't take too long after the first one starts to turn before the rest follow up. There may be hab poppers in my future after all.