event Fire on the Mountain Cook off West Virginia

Unfortunately, we'll possibly find ourselves in Calgary right about that time.

But I really want to attend one of these cookoffs -- What's the biggest one???

Texas IS HUGE. :!: I think (on occasion) that there were about 400 cooks this past year, one of whom was the ever humble Bubba as well as a few other North Carolinians from our CASI Pod. I plan on being there this coming year.

There is also a biggy in Omaha Nebraska for the ICS (International Chili Society) that brings down about 200+ cooks.

The West Virginia gig hosts about 70 or so cooks (from what I've been told) and one of our own was there in 2005 (Freddie Gann) and he came in third.

I was in Stone Mountain GA. were there are consistantly 200+ entries (again for those who missed it, I came in 20, and am still unhappy. I am a petulent child!)

I am soooooooo looking forward to the event in May in Greensboro with Bubba and the gang. It hosts somewhere in the 20 to 30 (or so) cooks, so it is managable, well run and really, really friendly. Some of those big ones can get a little hard to get your arms around.

Hope that someday you can make one, would be great to meet another post-er.
north carolina wise the biggest is tanglewood.....its in september...its like a friday drink all night and stir chili the rest of the day.
tanglewood has a huge freestyle and showmanship and it is the biggest event in north carolina.
huvason, you are a true samaritan. I will be in contact after the event as I will be getting the money all in non-sequential, umarked pennies. Lets see a bad guy rob me now!

Tina, we (me and Bubba) can always keep you abreast (I LOVE that word!) of the bigger events. It is worth the trip just to see the caped wonder here with a booth full of funny undies. I would think that Tanglewood might accept vendors, it's a biggy (though I was not able to attend last year)
chiliman said:
huvason, you are a true samaritan. I will be in contact after the event as I will be getting the money all in non-sequential, umarked pennies. Lets see a bad guy rob me now!

Tina, we (me and Bubba) can always keep you abreast (I LOVE that word!) of the bigger events. It is worth the trip just to see the caped wonder here with a booth full of funny undies. I would think that Tanglewood might accept vendors, it's a biggy (though I was not able to attend last year)

Sounds like a plan. Definitely keep me informed. Something tells me that our sauces would sell very well at BBQ functions. Chiliheads attend those too, right?
