• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

FireCracker's First Grow!

First I would like to thank cone9 for providing my first ever seeds! 
I planted:
Chocolate Hab
Choclate Naga Morich
Trinidad Scorpian
Brain Strain 
Ghost Pepper
March 1 2014
I started the seeds soaked in paper towels for 24hr, and then put them in paper cups with seedling mix, this whole thing went in a bx covered in plastic. I placed them in a sunny room during the day, and on my heating vent for the night. 
March 25 2014
Everything except the ghost peppers hatched sprouted last week, and I keep them in a sunny room all day and under a normal CFL lamp for 4 more hours in the night. Here are some pics of my ghetto setup! Suggestions would be appreciated as this is my first grow! 
Great job germinating those seeds.  Def have some heat growin!  My suggestion now would to either cull or separate those seedlings to one per cup.  If you do it now while their young it's def easier.  Looking good otherwise.