First attempt at growing

Hi everyone, just wanted to know if these look to be growing OK and if you think I'll need to transplant to ground soon?
I live over in Thailand so weather isn't a worry I wouldn't think. Here's pics from 14th March and today.
14th March


     They look really good, but separating them at that age is gonna be difficult. Do you plan on attempting that or are you going to cull all but one when you plant them out?  If you separate them, give them some time to grow some roots before yo expose them to harsh elements. Give them shade and keep them out of the wind. If you're only going to keep one, they're definitely ready for their permanent home. Good luck!
Thank you for your reply, think I may cull 2. I'll see how the roots look first.
My wife's adament that Thai birds eye chillies are the hottest so I'm growing these to surprise her, should make for a good video.
I would separate them asap before they get way too tangled.. Its not gonna hurt them if the roots are damaged a little in the process.

Really healthy looking plants btw!
I'm actually at work just now so won't be able to do anything till I get back to Thailand on the 5th April :tear:
My wife just sends me the photos but she doesn't want to touch them incase she kills em, lol.
Am I best to try to seperate them after I get home with dry soil or give them a good water first?
You're going to have a very tough time separating those. Those roots are probably a heavily intertwined network by now. You may have to prune the roots to get them apart. The plants look great! And I'd say yeah, they're ready for their big boy home in the garden.
I would water them real good and so that you can lift the plants out of the wet soil with little damage to the roots, they do look good and are ready to be moved to there final garden spot or container.
I too will say that you have some very nice looking plants there.  I wish I could get mine in the ground, but right now it is all snow.
Thank you for the tips guys, I'll get a photo up after my transplant attempt next week.
Don't know why my other pots aren't growing at the same speed, same soil,water and sun. Will add some nutes once I get home.