Carolina Reaper - HP22B
Moruga Scorpion
7 Pot Brain Strain
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T
Naga Viper
7 Pod Red (Giant)
Naga Morich
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate
Orange Habanero

Now the wait

He lives in paradisemiguelovic said:I tried this last year, went sour fast.
Oct 20th: Plant out/hardenining off.
Oct 24th: Storm destroys everything.
What's your secret?
miguelovic said:I tried this last year, went sour fast.
Oct 20th: Plant out/hardenining off.
Oct 24th: Storm destroys everything.
What's your secret?
Shorerider said:Is it ok to put them straight outside but in full shade, then increase the amount of sun they get each day?