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First Plumeria Seed Pod

Okay, we got our first plumeria seed pod. I'm not even sure which variety plumeria we have, but my mom told me that the seeds produced by any plumeria can turn out to be ANY variety of plumeria. They won't necessarily be the parent variety. What I wanna know is how many seeds can I expect from one plumeria seed pod. We don't have a ton of space, so if it's plenty of seeds, we may need to get rid of some once the pod opens.
Phil, i know the seed pods can hold up to 40 seeds, and from what I know you have to wait until the pod ripens (can be 6-8monoths) and than it will crack open and drop the seeds. Once its open you can take the seeds and plant them where the tail is sticking out the soil and wait for a few weeks to germinated. Some seed pods can be sterile, and they can take up to two years to flower. If you want, i somebody gave me a few cuttings and i can send you one or two if you need a cutting. I have no idea what variety they are. If so, jsut drop me a line via pm and and i can see what i can do to ship it out to ya.

here is something i found via quick google.

I appreciate the offer, but my mom has thousands of them. I was told to put a stocking or other fine mesh over the pod so that when it ripens and ruptures, it will catch the seeds. We've been having this plumeria since it was just a baby cutting, and yep, I wanna say it took at least 1.5 yrs before we got our first inflo. It's about 6 feet tall now.... grew about a foot and a half last summer! I expect it to get to around 8 feet this year...

Thanks for the info! I was curious about the amount of seeds, and now I know how to plant them! Thanks!

P.S. - My mom would be so hurt if she knew I asked on here instead of calling her! lol....shhhh!!!!
LOL, no promblem, i got a few ones here, but i always forget to fertlize them so they very seldom bloom, They are a few years old but i dont take care of stuff anymore like i use 2. I am hoping this year I will stay on top of them. Do you guys keep them outside all year round? I know they hate the cold weather, and few years back i had one that was about 12 feet tall and got hit be a freeze here in central fla and it froze and died.

In face they look like they never grew at all, i did notice the stalk got bigger but that was about it, but I think they were sitting in water to much and know they like to have fast draining and soil.

So i got them in air pot this year with roots organic soil. I knwo when i transplanted them there root balls were very small. So i got one that finally came ouf the dormat state (its inside under a grw light) and witing for the other 4-5 to wake up and see if i can get these bad boys to grow better this year.
Yes, we keep them outside all year long. Most of my mom's are under 6' tall, and she corrals them in the driveway under a tent with zip up walls when hurricanes come, and when temperatures drop, she'll put a few space heaters in there with them.

And you're correct, they do NOT like cold wet roots. Nor do they like overly-wet roots. Too much water will rot the roots and the plant will die - not as bad as thyme though. I have a heck of a time keeping thyme alive.

They need to be well drained and at protected when temperatures drop into the 30s. Other than that, I don't do much to maintain mine at all. I just make sure it has a spot in the courtyard that it seems to like (seems to like diffused/partial all day sun rather than full hot sun)

I may fertilize once a month or less with Miracle Grow Tomato food.... but only in half doses.
yea, my local nursery told me to use a big bloom buster, i use fertilome for it, Everything I have read they like 5-50-10 type of ferts when they come out of the dorminate state.I try to get mine where it its the morning sun than shaded in the afternoon, And ever very seldom to see temps under 30 here.
I am gonna try to grow some from seed
I recently bought some seeds from here:
NIce, here my Nebel Rainbrowi brought inside so it willl get ouf the domriant state.
