First pod! Need help with identification!

No...but seriously... #$%^ these guys...
yea round 2 for these buggers started within the last week. I hear they hit twice a season. I'm shitty at catching them small... which sucks...and its been raining almost daily so i cant use BT =/
i like to toss them over to the birds..figure if they develop a taste for them, they'll start pluckin 'em right off the plant for middle man needed  :D
I got lizards in my yard big enough to eat them.  So I like to toss them to the lizards, and watch them do what they do...
I've usually relegated a sacrificial tomato plant for them when I was exclusively growing tomatoes. Now that I'm switching to predominantly chilies, I'll still grow a couple scraggly tomato plants on the other side of the yard and push the nitrogen to near burn levels to keep the leaves full and attractive to the moths. My local birds have figured out that these like my garden and this season the birds have just been awesome in picking them off. Can't bring my self to kill them, the moths are beautiful and the caterpillars are kind of cool. But I'm weird that way, my bug love has caused me way more problems than good so far.