chinense First Reaper

I'm new here and figured I'd jump in the deep end.
A couple of weeks ago my son Jackson and I ate our first Reapers from Judy.
These things were smokin! Judy really brought the heat on these!
The carnage that ensued from my son is pretty comical.
I hope you all enjoy.
He knew very well what he was getting into.
That was not his first taste of a Super Hot.
What's better is, he has eaten other peppers since, so I guess he's officially a Chilehead. :)
You're both more daring than I am. I've never been able to talk myself into eating more than a small piece of the Reaper at once, and even then, the heat was alien-like. You guys are full fledged chilehead graduates, and now proud card-carrying members. Kudos.
Jamison said:
Poor kid!  I'm sure he was thoroughly warned.  Some just gotta find out for themselves!   
Oh man, that kid took a beating!  My wife would've freaked out also!  She would take my daughter to emergency room for a common cold, so no way I would let my daughter try one. 
I got it at PackRat here in Fayetteville.
It's the Arkansas Nativ brand. Several stores around here sell it.
If you want one and can't find one where you're at, let me know and we can work something out and I'll ship one to you.
Hey Wes, I have some step family in Fayetteville, I sometimes go to the VA hospital there while my Ex goes to see her kids, none eat my super hots that I grow I couldn't get them to eat a little Chiltepin pod , what a bunch of wussies.  At least your kid has the guts to try one, those Reapers are really hot.    I planted mine a bit too late as the weather here was to cold to plant them this spring and had to wait till June to plant them, so I will have to over winter some and wait till next year to get a crop.   Judy's a great vendor I will be buying some of her pepper seeds this fall, I can't wait to see all the new pepper varieties she will be adding to her list. 