First Ripe Pepper - Holes in some pods?

So First Exciting thing. I got my First Ripe Pod - Ever. I have 14 Habanero Plants that I started all from Seeds (This was my first year growing peppers). I should have a ton here soon.
One issue though, I had two other pods that were starting to ripen and both pods had small holes in them, like something was eating them? I did not notice the holes on any of my un-ripe pods? Do bugs enjoy hot peppers? Though it was strange that I only noticed it on pods in-between ripening.
The little holes are bug damage. From what ive found online i think its some kind of moth larvae. Ive had a few peppers drop off my plants this year from it. One pepper had a small white worm inside about a centimeter long. I'm sure theres multiple causes for holes in pods but this just happen to be the case with me. Pretty irritating but its just another thing on the long list of pest problems I've had this year.
So Far I have had Aphid's, then a storm came through and blew over all 14 of my pants. When i picked them up and added more soil I did notice a few worm/larvae looking things on a few leafs. I pulled off the leaves that had the larvae I could see. Apparently they are still hiding somewhere. Good think I love these peppers so much -  who would of thought all the fun stuff you battle just to keep them alive. No idea how they survive out in the wild.
At this point, the second I see a ripe pepper - I'm pulling the darn thing out of the war zone of the natural environment lol.
This may be a stupid question, however I would feel better to avoid another possible issue. I have two ripe peppers in a freezer bag in my freezer. Is it ok to keep opening that bag and toss in new fresh pods as they become available?
They looked just like this:

This was about 3-4 weeks ago when I first saw them. I pulled off about 6-10 from my plants.
tctenten said:
Yup. Pepper maggot.
+1. It looks similar to what was in mine but my understanding is that we dont have them here in california.. I hope thats true..
I see it in some plants, not all.

It is tedious, but I cut open every pod before I process. Some times the whole pepper gets tossed, sometimes I am able to salvage most of it. I would advise not popping whole pods in your mouth without checking. The even better news is that they will be back next year.
tctenten said:
I see it in some plants, not all.

It is tedious, but I cut open every pod before I process. Some times the whole pepper gets tossed, sometimes I am able to salvage most of it. I would advise not popping whole pods in your mouth without checking. The even better news is that they will be back next year.
Well I have them in Pots - So Ill toss the old Soil.
I plan on freezing my pods to preserve them until I need the for food or making sauce. Should I cut them in half before freezing?
If I see any evidence of that maggot inside - Im tossing the whole pod. I have 14 plants, I damn well better get a decent amount of good pods or Im going to be :hell:
dsm600rr said:
So are all my plants screwed?
I wouldn't say that your plants are screwed. But you might lose quite a few pods. They say putting up fly tape sticky traps helps. It wont effect every pod either. Just fight through it. I feel the pain. I've had a terrible year with pests but ive been vigilant about keeping them under control and i have been having a pretty good year so far.
I have learned a lot this year with my first time growing - I will tell you that.
So back to my question - I am assuming I should cut open every pod to check for these little Bastards. Is it ok to freeze pods cut in half? I do not see why not - But Id rather not ruin the good ones I have as well.
Also - when I do find these little Bastards - What is the best torture method? Salt? A slowly approaching blow torch? Cutting them in half?
dsm600rr said:
I have learned a lot this year with my first time growing - I will tell you that.
So back to my question - I am assuming I should cut open every pod to check for these little Bastards. Is it ok to freeze pods cut in half? I do not see why not - But Id rather not ruin the good ones I have as well.
Also - when I do find these little Bastards - What is the best torture method? Salt? A slowly approaching blow torch? Cutting them in half?
. Absolutely you can cut them in half. I would vacuum seal them if you're gonna keep them in the freezer for any amount of time though




Here is some good info for you.

Picked 10 beautiful jalapenos.....10 had maggots
Finally having luck with rocotos and all but 1 had maggots
Not pictured. 8 Red Savina habs and a handful of Serrano that had no maggots.


This was the rest of what I picked. Most will be fine, but certain varieties getting hammered for me.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is what you can look forward to.
I too am a first time grower recently had a pod drop it had a small hole on it I tossed it in the garbage thinking nothing of it till I found this post [emoji20] do they die if you freeze the pods and can I eat those little bastards or will I get sick? Lol

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That is an interesting question. Freezing kills alot of nasties, but I do not really know the answer. I would be willing to bet that a few of those have been eaten by unsuspecting growers over the years.
SOB. Just got hit by Amphids again. Just picked up some Neem Oil Extract and a Roundup 1gal Sprayer. Soaked em. Top and Bottom.