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First sign of life

i planted about 20 varieties of mostly wild peppers and got my first sign of life today at 7:30 pm. How exciting is that.:onfire: The first variety to sprout is CAP 503 a c. eximium. I knew if I went down in the basement to check on them every hour it would speed things up. It only took about 7 days. I not sure if thats good though I have never grown these types of peppers.

Don't think I've ever seen Eximium in full scale. It would be interesting seeing your follow up pictures.
good deal on the first signs of life...

it has been 4 days since I planted a tray of chinense and no sprouts yet... :pout:

I've got a rut worn in the carpet between the computer room and the garage
C. Eximium pic here. :) I grew two plants in '08.


lostmind said:
Wait a minute, you have kids and keep a nice garden?! That's unpossible!

When my kids grow up, if they are good, I might let them look at the back yard through the lass. Might.

Good work on the germinating as well, I hear those wild ones are notoriously hard to get out of their shell.
cmpman1974 said:
C. Eximium pic here. :) I grew two plants in '08.


Now that's just awesomeness 101. you have any flower shots, or maybe ripe pods? also, is the yellowing typical or are you just a bad gardener (J/K)? :lol: