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First time grower - does this plant look okay?


Im new to this forum so apologies if I havent posted this in the correct place!

One of my plants a Trinidad Perfume is coming along nicely however the leaves dont look the same as the rest of my chilli plants. They seem a bit wrinkled and curvy. This is the only plant out of my 8 that looks like this.

I did have a few problems to start with temperate and watering consistency but seem to be getting ontop of that now so I was thinking that may be the cause, but wanted some advise to check it wasnt anything more sinister!

Photo for reference

Thanks in advance


  • A0C0514F-A7DF-4AAA-AE63-1B116DB0FD8D.jpeg
    86.7 KB · Views: 91
Looks like big fat crinkly chinense leaves to me (that's a good thing). Are your other plants chinense? If not that's probably why they look different to you.