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First Time Grower's Progress

In spite of significant non germinating seeds and some deaths in the family when potting up (no green thumb, I guess), we have a goodly start on this year's pepper and tomato plantings.
We are still approx. 4 weeks away from frost free garden transplant but have good size tomatoes of all varieties and pretty well growing Jalapenos, Habs, Tabago, Kung Pao, Banana, Pepperoncini, Teq. Sunrise, Tabasco, many sweet bells and one Dorset Naga (that I am babying like a pre-mature child).

Ran out of floro light space and had to move some to the window (South). They have done very well there.

Hopefull, most of these will survive until and through garden transplant and be producing pods in a few months!!

Much appreciate all of the help I've received here.........

Plants are lookin great Padre!!! Any of the seeds I gave you pop?

None have popped yet, but I am waiting still........
However, I had poor germination with even Pepper Joe's seeds, and I am fearful that it was the soil-less seed starting mix I used. I found it in a local (small town) hardware and bought a bag.

it was made by Plantation Products (sphagnum peat, horticultural vermiculite, perlite, wetting agent, lime for Ph balance). Seemed like it would be OK to me, but, have no clue.

I cannot believe this stuff has a short shelf life, but wonder if it had been sitting in the store for years. Other than that, I have no clue why my germ rates were so low. Kept all at 85 degrees, tried to follow proper watering, etc., but overall only popped about 75% of plant.