First time growing Hot Peppers

A few images of our hot peppers.
Carolina Reaper grown from seed purchased from PuckerButt Pepper Company.

Carolina Reapers, Brain Strain, Sante Fe, Cayenne and Jalepenos in the garden.

Our first blossoms on our plants.
These look awesome! Congrats on the good grow so far.
I've got the same thing growing too. How long ago did you start?
LS929 said:
These look awesome! Congrats on the good grow so far.
I've got the same thing growing too. How long ago did you start?
We started all of our seeds indoors on 4/7/14 and then transplanted them into the garden on 5/23/14. Everything sure has grown quite a bit in the past 4 weeks. Thank you, for the compliment.
The only thing I've done to the plants in the garden, was a teaspoon of Epsom Salt in each hole when we planted, and one time with Fish Emulsion fertilizer the week after.
The Reaper in the container has only had a sprinkle of Epsom Salt...not even a teaspoon (emptied what was left in the bag), since it was transplanted. The last couple of
years I've left clover on the spot where our garden normally was, and turned it under this spring. Now I'm just waiting for my Honeybees to do their thing and get all the blooms.
We have two Bee Hives within fifty feet of the plants and two more hives within another hundred feet or so. If we don't get good pollination, then my girls aren't doing their job.