First time growing Pubescens - Advice?

I started growing a couple of chinense varieties a couple of years ago and am now planning to branch out to Rocotos/Locatos.  I was wondering if I need to change up my growing regime for these varieties (specifically Aji Oro, Costa Rican Red, and Locato).  I live on Long Island in New York in growing zone 7a/7b.  Here's my current regime:
 - Place pepper seeds in Park BioDome in late January, in my boiler room (which stays pretty warm), under fluorescent shop lights.
 - Allow to germinate, bring BioDome out to my sunroom (in a part that doesn't get too much sun) in mid-April, on a warming mat.
 - Transplant into outdoor containers on Mother's Day weekend.
I also plan to plant some Annums as well (Albanian Hot Reds) - I assume that I should probably plant these a little later?  Thanks.
your indoor plan sounds fine.
the harder part is when it goes outside and fruiting, it is advised to keep it cooler / put it in more shade than other varieties.
yes the annuums will grow a bit faster so might want to give pubs a headstart
Your timing seems exactly right as far as germination, move to sunroom, then transplanting. What size containers are you using for outdoors? I would recommend at least 5 gallon containers with very good drainage

You should put your outdoor containers so that when the branches of your Rocoto grow outwards they overlap with the other Rocoto plants. I get way more pods set when the branches of my Rocoto plants are overlapping.

I usually use tomato cages for my Rocoto as well. It really helps when the branches get loaded with pods in the late summer.

I haven't grown any of those specific cultivars you are growing, but I grow a lot of Rocoto, and the two things I mentioned above have worked well for me.

Good luck on your Pubescens grow! They are super tasty and fun to grow.
Thanks everyone! Thanks for the shade advice and the overlap advice (guess it helps with shade and pollination?). I plan to plant them in 5-to-10 gallon containers so I should be good, since the varieties I'm growing are mostly small shrub types