food First time Jerky

I couldn't wait any longer to try my hand at making jerky. I was pleasantly surprised at the results and everyone at work loved the stuff.

Here is what I did:

I bought 1 lb of English roast and had the butcher cut it into 1/4" strips. I used HiMountain Hickory seasoning mix and added 1/2 tsp of Cayenne powder to it. Stuck it in the dehydrator for 4 hours. :onfire: It turned out great, however, next time I am going to add more cayenne powder, it needs to be a little hotter. I eventually (when I make some, want to make this with AJ's powder mix that shared with us all..."AlabamaJack's Habanero/Tabasco/Thai Orange Pepper Powder 2007". His powder mix sounds really really good).

I also had to try the jerky gun...

1 lb of ground chuck, also used the HiMountain Hickory spice mix. This time added 1 tsp of my homemade vidalia onion powder. Dehydrated for the same amount of time. Turned out excellent.

Thought I would share.

I added the Cayenne to the spice marinade. I think next time, I'm going to sprinkle it on just before dehydrating. I hear that makes it hotter.

bentalphanerd said:
Nice going mudatvs...I just drooled all over my keyboard.

don't worry bent, I plan on making a batch over the Easter weekend - naturally there'll be a few pieces on their way to you...
mudatvs said:
I added the Cayenne to the spice marinade. I think next time, I'm going to sprinkle it on just before dehydrating. I hear that makes it hotter.


when I make jerky I mix different sauces for flavor for the marinade part & some chile spice at the same time but keep most of the chile spice for after I bring the meat out of the marinade then into the dehydrator.
so less waste of precious chile spice :onfire:
I have a LEMs Jerky Cannon which is great for ground meat jerky.

for sliced meat jerky I have a tip for my fellow jerkymakers. once I have my jerky laid out in the dehydrator, I give it a very light spray mist of water and sprinkle a little extra powdered seasoning and chile powder on top just a pinch of each per slice. the water helps it to stick and not be dislodged by the fan. the extra seasoning gives a nice burst of flavour when you eat it!

I've got some thick cut jerky in the dehydrator as we speak, er, type.
With jerky

Thats what i`m actually here about.Good find for me.I actually us a wet marinade with a 7 to 10 day soak in an habenaro base mix.I`ve found I haven`t had to add any seasonings to speak of.My question is;;;;;What other fresh peppers might be better?
Heat isn`t an option but keeping a good taste is.Any help or suggestions would be great. thanks
chilliman64 said:
I have a LEMs Jerky Cannon which is great for ground meat jerky.

I have the same cannon and have only used it once. I loved it...I tried the round tip. I came out with what I think tasted, extra spicy pepperoni. I'm still working on my spice ratio.

chilliman64 said:
for sliced meat jerky I have a tip for my fellow jerkymakers. once I have my jerky laid out in the dehydrator, I give it a very light spray mist of water and sprinkle a little extra powdered seasoning and chile powder on top just a pinch of each per slice. the water helps it to stick and not be dislodged by the fan. the extra seasoning gives a nice burst of flavour when you eat it!

Thanks for the tip :) I'll try that with my next batch...
Hold it folks...I had a taste of Mr. Pepperfreaks Jerky yesterday/today and will tell is some fine jerky....the seasoning is absolutely spot on and the taste is he said, it could use more heat but it already has a nice little afterburn....

good stuff pepperfriak
I use smoked jalapeno powder in my jerky. I put a lot into the marinade. The only thing I sprinkle on as it goes into the dehydrator, is fresh, coarse black pepper. It gives it a wonderful crunch here and there.

Also, I freeze the meat and shave it thin. The butcher can't get it thin enough on the slicer.
I like mine somewhat thick and cut against the grain making it easier to chew and I sprinkle pepper, onion powder and smoked peppers before smoking. I haven't had great success with the caulking gun cannon stuff but I'll give it another try someday but probably not with the cannon, I'll use my grinder with small stuffing tube to save time.
i just pulled some out of the dehydator, whooo hooooo.. 500gms thin sliced Rump, marinated for 1/2 day in BBQ sauce mix i made (1ltr bbq, 25gms Red Savina, 25gms Naga's) Then Sprinkled with heaped Tablespoon of Habanero Powder.. its a Bit warm :shocked: nice though
theHippySeedCo said:
i just pulled some out of the dehydator, whooo hooooo.. 500gms thin sliced Rump, marinated for 1/2 day in BBQ sauce mix i made (1ltr bbq, 25gms Red Savina, 25gms Naga's) Then Sprinkled with heaped Tablespoon of Habanero Powder.. its a Bit warm :shocked: nice though

Sounds great...But, "...a bit warm"? Sounds like maybe a bit like fire :mouthonfire:...LOL j/k ;) I'm actually working the heat up on mine.
Just wondering if anyone had any tips for a new starter, I dont have any equipment, what can I expect to pay to get a setup to make jerky? hippieseed co mixture sounds nice :)
it depends what you're after QD - send me a pm if you like on what type of jerky/technique etc you have on your mind and I'll share whatever brain cells I have left with you.