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First timer, quick question

Just tracked my order from Cross Country Nurseries and saw my plants are coming today :) I built a mini greenhouse for them while their small but I was wondering should I put them in there right away and take them out at night since its still about 50-55 at night, or should I put them in there for a little bit then bring them back inside to harden them off? Completely new to this so any advice will help.

Pics will come later as I am at work. Cell phone only unfortunately
Well, since they were raised in a greenhouse, they would prolly love to go straight into yours. Unless your GH has clear glass or plastic and way more intense direct light, of course. Then you might wish to introduce life in there a few hours at a time, or provide some shade.

Night 50F is fine, but keep an eye on the upper temps. My little GH will rapidly rocket to 100F when it gets sun and the door closed. I pretty much have an open door policy during the days now.

Keep in mind I have only a couple months GH experience. All the plants (from seedlings) I put in mine take to it right away with little need for hardening to conditions in there. (The material is nicely filtered.) It provides a good halfway house for hardening to the great outdoors... :cool:

Looking forward to your pix of plants and their new home.
Yep, watch the temps. Keep it above 50 and during a sunny day, it can be 65 degrees here but over 100 inside my closed cold frame. So on a sunny day, you might want to prop it open but still watch it. without much air movement, even a partially open green house will heat up quick.
Thanks for the advice guys, its a relatively small GH. Probably a foot high by 6 feet long. Just built something quick to accommodate the new plants since it still can get chilly in CT. Once the plants outgrow this mini GH will they be ok to just be potted outside or should I construct a bigger GH for them?
CCN will ship instructions with your plants, but here is a link to the same thing on their website:

+1..they have very good documentation with their plants. Personally I kept mine in the same containers they shipped in then put them in the inside greenhouse for a few days before i moved them to bigger pots and the outside hoop house.
Thanks for the advice guys, its a relatively small GH. Probably a foot high by 6 feet long. Just built something quick to accommodate the new plants since it still can get chilly in CT. Once the plants outgrow this mini GH will they be ok to just be potted outside or should I construct a bigger GH for them?

Wow, those are some great instructions Geeme linked to CCN. I can see why that outfit gets high marks here. Follow their directions, you'll be fine. I'll take back some of what I said. In general, looks like sunlight moderation is the key upon arrival. Your the smaller GH might be too intense at first.

As far as plant out vs bigger GH, check your 'last frost date' and compare to conditions and forecasts this year. Peppers love the warmth, so generally better to wait than try to go early. I like MMcD's approach. Pot up if you think it will be awhile longer.
I checked the last frost date is May 10 - 20th and it hasn't dipped below 50 at night in a while. If the GH would be too much for the small plants I was thinking of putting them outside during the day and maybe moving them around so they aren't in direct sunlight the entire day and then put them into the GH at night, with the residual heat I think they would like it. I can't wait to get home from work and get going on these! :woohoo:
Sounds like a heck of good plan DeBo! Doin' the plant shuffle for hardening, yessirrr... :cool:

Your last frost is similar to here in Boise, so I'm in a similar guessing game for plant out. Got a 5-day forecast with 70s, then a possible cool down. I've rarely benefitted by going with the first warm blast of Spring, as tomatoes and peppers just don't thrive until the soil itself warms up. Man, I'm itchin to pull the trigger now!


Pic of my mini-GH and plants. Got a package from Heartbreaking Dawns and just got home from work so I need to concoct some kind of dinner. Will post more pics later