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Flaming Jalepena ...Literally !!!!

I have a string of Jalepena peppers hanging and drying (its taking forever) so I thought hummm. I took one and seeded it leaving only the skin and stem split it in half and placed it on a paper towel and popped it in the microwave, set it for 3 minutes and hit GO. ( was about 75 - 80% dry.

Watching through the door it like it boiled the first 2 seconds and got all weird looking. I saw like a little glow like a burning electrical filient at the base of the stem. At 29 seconds into the microwave process it burst into flames and the napkin caught fire. I shut it off and grapped the burning napkin and flaming pepper and threw it in the sink and turned on the water and put it out. That sucker had almost burnt in its entirety in just a moment.

Has this ever happened to anyone else. My wife almost s--t while throwing me out of the kitchen. I'll tell ya there's quite learning curve to this pepper growing. :onfire:



I put it on the plate and gave it a 5 second shot twice and its pretty dried but tastes a little strange.
:lol: that ain't pepper GROWING my friend! Sounds like you did the growing part right, but it's the processing that has the curve. :rofl:
I've never tried to dry peppers in microwave, needs dry heat, but the story is sure funny sounds like something I'd try after a few :beer: . That was a good post. If you can take over the oven for a few days drying at the lowest setting will work:rofl: :rofl:
I've never tried to dry peppers in microwave, needs dry heat, but the story is sure funny sounds like something I'd try after a few :beer: . That was a good post. If you can take over the oven for a few days drying at the lowest setting will work:rofl: :rofl:

Ya that was a hoot! I can't tell ya how the entire conversation went with my wife but it'll be a few days before I get kitchen privileges again. The stem it just sort of evaporated into thin air and the d- -n smoke detector blaring ...... look out!
Yup certain fruits or veggies do it. Google it: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=jalapeno+spark&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=CrYEMnZgdTPDFL4fAzQTJ9aHfDQAAAKoEBU_QmHxC
Yup certain fruits or veggies do it. Google it: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&source=hp&q=jalapeno+spark&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=CrYEMnZgdTPDFL4fAzQTJ9aHfDQAAAKoEBU_QmHxC

"When moving magnetic waves intercept a conductor, an electrical voltage is induced across that conductor. The moisture in the cut food acts as a conductor and actually becomes a microwave antenna. If there is another "antenna" close by, you can get an arc from one to another. Microwaves have a short wavelength and the cut food must be the right length to maximize the voltage. Also, foods with a sharp end such as string beans cut at an angle increase the charge density at the tip and are more likley to arc."

I did a search and found this. I'm amazed now :eek: