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Flavor profiles

can anyone help make a list of peppers with citrus like flavors? i like sauces with fruit and peppers that fuse sweet and heat. someone told me that peppers with this flavor profile work best with pineapple, peach, etc. for sauces and glazes. thanks!
many types of true Aji peppers do such as
Yellow Fatalii fits the citrus profile, but with heat that is almost approaching hab levels. Peach habanero is a milder hab as far as heat goes, but with a sweeter, fruitier flavor. It also lacks that "hab taste". Try it. It is well worth the grow.
-Hot Datil
-Sweet Datil



Basic datil sauce:
Peppers, ketchup, brown sugar, white sugar, vinegar.
You can get a little crazy and put in honey, mustard, worchestershire, onion...

It's a Saint Augustine Thang...
PepperDaddler said:
What is the difference between Aji Lemon and Aji Lemon Drop?
Aji limon is more like a  lemony Habanero in flavor
Aji lemon Drop is a true Aji in every sense of the word citrus and lemony a touch of sweetness
pod shapes are different too, Aji Limon has wrinkles like a Scorpion and a bit hotter and the Aji Lemon drop is smoother and more elongated but still quite hot, i personally like the Aji Lemon Drop better myself(makes great jelly)
there is some misconception that there the same pepper, its be my experience that they are not
does this help a little?
thanks your friend Joe
I have gotten two labeled differently that looked thes same. Elongated, yellow, "oval" in shape  (or I guess you can say "flat")  but both had a banana pepper taste.
Looked just like this:

PepperDaddler said:
I have gotten two labeled differently that looked thes same. Elongated, yellow, "oval" in shape  (or I guess you can say "flat")  but both had a banana pepper taste.
Looked just like this:

this is AJI LEMON DROP :drooling:
PepperDaddler said:
Do you have a pic of Aji Limon or Lemon? Or are those two different also?
no actually i dont of either i never grew them personally
there are many good photos on the internet that im sure will help
the lemon drop is also called (KELU UCHU) that will help some in your search
the aji limon is not called by this secondary name
ajijoe said:
no actually i dont of either i never grew them personally
there are many good photos on the internet that im sure will help
the lemon drop is also called (KELU UCHU) that will help some in your search
the aji limon is not called by this secondary name
i just Google aji limon and it seems there saying it is lemon drop the pictures look the same
i have a friend who grows a yellow pepper that is similar to the lemon drop but it has wrinkles like a scorpion
i just pawed around a little and even Wikipedia says there the same, i wonder what the one is my friend grows?
i would be interested to get more of that seed from my friend
i need to contact my friend and see what he has to say
i will get back to you when i know more
thanks your friend Joe