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Flowering Slowing as Fruit Load Grows

I'm noticing that flowering on some of my plants is beginning to slow dramatically as the fruit load on the plants increases. This is a well known reaction, however, I'm not quite ready to pick most of the chiles off since they haven't ripened. I'm at a loss for what to do. I could pick off a good number of the unripe chiles to allow the plants to redirect their energy again to flowering and fruit set, or I could just accept that (for now at least), there isn't going to be much more flowering and fruit set. Perhaps this will somewhat resolve itself as the plants put on more foliage and size. Any advice from you more experienced growers would be appreciated. Maybe I just should quit worrying and be happy!
When I'm ready for it to start producing I always pull x amount depending on the plant just to get the process started.
more nodes ore production, so you can take the pods off and the plant will produce as many new pods as it can handle, then you will find yourself in the same place as you are now, or you can jsut let your pods ripen(it will still produce foliage) and once those pods are ripe and you harvest them, you will get the next wave of flowers/pods.
I normally pick my fruit when they are almost ripe and just let them rippen off the plant. I know some guys let every fruit go to full ripeness, but like you noticed the plant won't continue to flower as much if you do that and your decreasing your yield in the long run.
I normally pick my fruit when they are almost ripe and just let them rippen off the plant. I know some guys let every fruit go to full ripeness, but like you noticed the plant won't continue to flower as much if you do that and your decreasing your yield in the long run.

I think I've read that the pods have the highest concentration of capsaicin just before they are fully ripe as well. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. But if I'm right, that's even more incentive to pick before your pods fully ripen.
Add a cage for support or tie it up with some twine. The weight of the peppers is normally was is causing stress on your plant, therefore requiring more energy to stay upright, so it doesn't have as much to produce more flowers.
[sub] [/sub]I prefer the taste of a fully ripened pod right of the plant. Mine don't taste as good nor do they ripen as much when I pick them early. Even though you can fool the pepper to ripen off the plant. Except jalapenos:)