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Ok this is my first year growing peppers and I am learning as I go. Some of my plants are starting to put out flowers. Do I need to pollinate them and at what point should I do this. Also I have different types of peppers growing. Any input would be great.
awesome lookking plants.. from my understading thru this website they are self polinating....just keep them healthy...i would say make sure they are hardened already prior to budding.. harden... bud.... pod....
Harden them off slowly if you're planning to grow them outside. If you're going to save the seeds for planting; isolate the varieties if you want to keep them pure.

Looks like you're doing a fantastic job already! I'm pretty sure you can handle the rest.
Move them away from each other varieties.

Put a bag over a specific branch after hand pollination and mark it.

Put the variety you want pure in a different room.

Basically, you do not want to take the chance of pollination mixing across all the different varities IF you want to try to keep the seeds true.

However, even if you take these measures you may still not get true seeds but taking precautions will give you a better chance.

Think of it like being in a room with someone who had an infectious disease. What would you do to isolate yourself from that?

Good luck!