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For Father's Day

I have my father to thank for my love of all things hot. As a child the only restaurants we went to were Shakeys(pizza) and Chinese. He always encouraged us to try new things and between he, my mother, my brother and I, he and I were the only ones that did.

In the early 70's, his parents, farm people from Missouri were here and we went to our favorite place. My grandfather had never had egg rolls and Dad told him they were best with lots of that Chinese mustard. I thought Grandpa was going to die!

One Father's Day about 15 years ago Mom was out of town so we got to go for sushi (Mom won't even go in). We had an hysterical wasabi eating and saki drinking contest.

For years I've been taking him hot sauces I've bought and made, peppers from my garden and super spicy chili.

This July he will be 80. Can't do the heat anymore so I make special mild chili powder for his batches and can't share my peppers anymore.

What I can do is take him good food that will please him. Christmas is frozen food I've made - mild chili, chicken soup, meatballs, bolonaise etc. Father's Day is meat. 2 prime steaks, one delmonico, one strip and some honking hot dogs.


That's my tribute, would love others to chime in. To all you fathers Happy Fathers Day!!!
Damn, meant to put this in food. Sorry!
Can I move it?
In 40 years I hope my kids make posts such as these about me.  I'll have my dads over this weekend, grilling burgers and chicken wings!  My kids tried my hot sauce for the first time tonight (after they saw a friend of theirs eat some) and I could literally feel myself swelling with pride as my daughter looked at me and said "Dad it doesn't taste yucky!!" lol....
To all dads a toast:
You keep the lights on and the fridge stocked.  You are the rock that steadies the boat called family.  You need no praise or recognition because doing things right is satisfaction enough.  You fix the broken toys and trim the hedges, but your real purpose is being the example of what a man should be.  May the grass be green, may the beer be cold.  May the meat be done just how you like.  To all Dads - especially ones caring enough to parent kids who aren't their own - you are making a difference at home and in the world.  Keep up the good work.  :)
Side note of arcane trivia:  Father's Day is the one day of the year where the most collect calls are made.  lol
SmokenFire said:
 My kids tried my hot sauce for the first time tonight (after they saw a friend of theirs eat some) and I could literally feel myself swelling with pride as my daughter looked at me and said "Dad it doesn't taste yucky!!" lol....
Ha! That makes me laugh! Kind of funny how we take the "compliment" from our kids. My boy does that to me too.

"Wow its not that bad!"

"Well yes son. I was shooting for not that bad..."
