For SASBE, Inca Red Drop seeds

This offer is for Inca Red Drop seeds only. This is an excellent tasting C. Baccatum with a nice little kick!

Include in your sasbe, Two .44 stamps, a return address label, for returning your envelope, a small bag marked Inca Red Drop!
And drop in a note with your username.

Thats it!! :cool:

Post here then PM me for my addy!

This is for 10 people.US only.

Inca Red Drop

Ah yes, that is a nice one to be sure.

Just popped a dried pod of it and was surprised at the sugar-like sweetness and flavor, plus a nice middle of the tongue burn.

Might just have to grow this one for next year...

...those of you that have an opportunity to jump on this offer now, should do so. :cool:

Please count me in. Sending PM now.
I understand this is a good plant for a beginner to grow too, which makes it even better for me.

Looks to be an attractive plant too.

Thank You
You guys will not be dissapointed! I have a nice number of pods I got from Kevin, the are sweet juicy and like Kevin said have a nice kick! Get them if you can.
