The very best way to make a starter is with a stir plate that provides both continuous agitation and continuous aeration. Normally these things run up into the hundred dollar range, but a friend of mine put me on to a much more affordable solution:
If you don't already know, a stir plate will nearly double the number of cells that you can create in a starter, so where you might normally need a two liter starter, a one liter starter would suffice.
Note that you need a special filter in your one-hole stopper so that you don't pull contaminants into the starter.
If you don't already know, a stir plate will nearly double the number of cells that you can create in a starter, so where you might normally need a two liter starter, a one liter starter would suffice.
Note that you need a special filter in your one-hole stopper so that you don't pull contaminants into the starter.