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hot-sauce Found some new Hot Sauces

While on vacation, I kept my eyes open for new hot sauces from the area I was in and I was in luck...

In New Hampshire at a local grocery store I found these 2 gems made in Maine and I can't wait to try them.

I also found these 2 gems on Hogback Mountain in Vermont.

I haven't had a chance to try them yet because I was busy enjoying Kato's Down South Hot Sauce and Fire Foods Firecracker Naga Sauce. Both of which I thoroughly enjoy despite having the whole family think that I have lost it, especially when I was bringing a bottle into restaurants with me. Kato's sauce goes excellent with New England clam chowder and Fire Foods Naga sauce went very well with some overly tame chili and on baked Haddock.

Since I am now sitting on 11 unopened bottles of hot sauce, I will be posting my thoughts/reviews as I get to them. It just may take me awhile because I only like to have a couple of bottles opened at once.
Beale Street (Memphis) made in Maine? lol
Let us know how they taste.
thehotpepper.com said:
Beale Street (Memphis) made in Maine? lol
Let us know how they taste.

I had never thought of the connection until now. I checked the bottle and indeed they are located in Bath Maine. But not on Beale Street, it seems as though their address is on Water Street. :lol: Here's their web site in case anyone is interested. www.bealestreetbarbeque.com
Wish I knew that BBQ joint was there when I was up there.
The number of hot sauces available is simply amazing, especially when some are only available locally (as it seems) although they look perfectly pro and not as if someone made them in his bathtub and stuck some ink jet printed labels on them. I'm curious for how long this'll go on...