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Fragrant Aji Amarillo Leaves

Has anyone else noticed a somewhat strong smell coming from their aji amarillo leaves? I notice this on my plants when I move the leaves around while inspecting, moving, or transplanting. It is somewhat of a unique smell to me, somewhere between a poblano pod and a datura leaf. It's not a bad smell, just a little "chemical-like". I've never detected scent from any other chile leaves except a VERY faint aroma from a Trinidad Perfume plant. I can smell these guys even when my nose is several feet away! I think it is pretty cool anyway, and just thought I would share.
I was just thinking about this the other day. I have noticed this on the Aji Amarillo, but even more so on the Rocotos. A lovely euphoria-inducing pepper smell when working with the plants...
I don't know if you've noticed this, but in my garden the slugs are especially attracted to the Rocotos (I'm already finding bits of the overwinters disappearing), sometimes the Aji Amarillo, and not so much the other plants. I don't know if the strong smell from the leaves has anything to do with it, but food for thought...