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Frank v Bonda ma Jaques

So Hot Pooper sent me a great care package yesterday. So today I am testing the Bonda.

Very juicy and tasty. Not overly hot, maybe 300,000-400,000 scovilles. If you have not have this puppy get it.

This really is a good pepper. With the size, they were usually around the size of the Fatali's I sent you. The Fatali's have been about the size of Bhut's all year long. But like I said, with the weather getting MUCH cooler, its shrinking these puppies! lol I think Friday night is supposed to be in the 20's here.
I would guess you are pretty spot on with the heat. I would say the Fatali's are just a smidge warmer, but not by much at all. A LOT of people love the Fatali, but Im not that big of a fan. I'm gonna grow the red one's next year and see how they taste. Probably wont even grow the yellow ones next year. As far as YELLOW peppers go, I would say my favorite is the CARDI. Heat isnt TOO bad, but the taste is PHENOMENAL!!!