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Frank v Yellow Fatalli

So Hot Pooper sent me a care package last week and this nice babe was included. The Yellow Fatalli was a great tasting mildly hot joy. While not super hot (may 500k) it was very tasty and a sure hit and should be on folks grow list.

I kept this video short as I did not suffer enough to warrant a long video.

Cappy is sending out a Brainstrain next week and I can't wait. No more peppers in the box to test until then.

Also looking for a ButchT if anyone has an idea where I can get one!

Nice review. Fatali is one of my favorites and a lot easier for friends to enjoy as well. None of the 3 different red Scorpions (including Butch T) I have had has been hotter than the 7's or Douglah. I know they exist I just have not been able to find one yet either. The Butch T is awesome for flavor though, I think Ed commented that he loved the flavor as well. So definitely worth it even if you don't get a super hot one. Looking forward to you BrainStrain, Have fun, they taste great as well.
Yeah, they're USUALLY about the size of a smallish Bhut. Nice and pointy. They're all short and fat now. Kinda like ME. lol
Good review though man. Glad you liked it.