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Freaks and Weirdos Unite!!!

I have some freaky plants, and some that just didn't grow right. I kinda like 'em! I'm curious as to how they will eventually turn out. :P

Some new Tepin weirdos. The others that were from the same batch are over 2 feet tall now.

My little midget neon yellow habanero.

These 2 devils tounges are fraternal twins only. Same everything, but one just hates growing I guess.
And this is probably the best that this cayenne has looked. I was going to pull it long ago, but curiosity has kep it around. It's twins are all huge and covered in pods.

Let's see your freaks and weirdos!!!
Do you have them under lights indoors? If not, it could be an issue. Also stay away from peaty soils. Those plants don't look bad. How's the Alaskan IPA? I could drown in a swimming pool of their amber.

Salute', TB.
No lights, just sun. All the others are doing really well.

The IPA is so-so. My favorite is the summer. They also just came out with a white that is damn good!!!
texas blues said:
Do you have them under lights indoors? If not, it could be an issue. Also stay away from peaty soils. Those plants don't look bad. How's the Alaskan IPA? I could drown in a swimming pool of their amber.

Salute', TB.

Which soil do you suggest if not peaty soils? By peaty soils i presume you mean peat-based potting mix yea? Cause that's what i use :shocked:

.. and i have a few freaks and weirdos too lol
Beerswimmer said:
Let's see your freaks and weirdos!!!

Here's a Fish freak that wanted to be mostly white or green but not variegated.

It also decided to fork at ground zero and still lives in its 16oz cup.

And a shot of it beside its brother that got to move to a larger home. Dunno why I still water it; guess I hate to see my seedlings die. :D
I've got a couple of freaks myself. All but one has moved on to the big pepper plantation in the sky. The one is a yellow hab that has leaves longer than it is tall, it's about eight inches tall.

SS put that poor root bound baby in a bigger pot and give it a chance man! It want's to grow!:P
Silver_Surfer said:
OK patrick, I'll do it this evening just for you. :)

I guess freaks have their rights too. :lol:

On behalf of us freaks of the world we thank you. Don't we IGGY? You know I bet that plant just blows up and rewards you with crazy growth and plentiful pods.:P
patrick said:
You know I bet that plant just blows up and rewards you with crazy growth and plentiful pods.:P

I wouldn't have it any other way, but pure white leaves look... well... freakish!

Where's the chlorophyll in a white leaf and since it reflects practically all light how does it obtain energy from the sun?