free Free Links for Makers and Sellers

I'm planning on remodeling my site and will be adding links to all you sauce makers and the HotPepper Forums. You don't have to exchange links, but the more a name is out there, the more likely it will be picked up on.
Sound like a plan?
Probably won't be up for a few weeks and will be a work in progress for awhile.

You won't have to be one of my wholesellers. (Marco's, for instance will be linked.As just 1 example.)
Well, it's not up yet. I own the dot dom and related dots. It's been a lot of work and I have a ways to go. When I get it posted, you fellows are going to have to see if you're listed and let me know If I leave you out. I'll post the link when the site is posted.
What did I miss John. Let me know. Everything seems to be working correctly. The Ring of Fire and Ring of Smoke links haven't been implemented yet. They do that.
I looked again. I had forgotten to take some PP and older RoF code out. I removed it and republished. Any better? Other than that background. I'm still experimenting there.