FREE SAMPLES of Ghost Pepper Candies -

FREE SAMPLES of Ghost Pepper Candies from
Send your Mailing Address to and I will send you a Free Sample of our Cherry Ghost Pepper Candy Shatter.
When you get the Sample. Let me know how it Tastes, and if its Hot enough, or to Hot!
The Cherry Ghost Pepper Candy Shatter sample is shipping by Regular Postal Mail, So be Very Patient.

This Offer is for Canada & the USA Only!
Quantities are Limited to a First Come First Served Basis
All Samples are Arox. 4 to 5 grams of Ghost Pepper Candy Shatter.
:party:  Coming Soon! New Kosher Fruit Drop Ghost Pepper Candies :party:
Received my sample of Cherry Ghost pepper Shatter get a pretty immediate blast of heat might even get a bit of a drippy nose.I would like to taste a bit more of the cherry do have enough heat ... all in all it is good.....I have made something candy form as well as in chocolate form.
Thanks for the sample.
Tried it along with 2 others who got a taste. It's not as hot as a raw pepper of course but it's got a good flavor and leaves a good zing to the end of your tongue. Not terribly strong but just enough to be pleasant and enjoyable for people who like the heat as well as people who aren't chili heads.
Got my sample today! Thank you!  :P
I agree with the descriptions of those who wrote before me- overall, a very nice job! I enjoyed it very much! The cherry flavor was immediate but you can always add a bit more (no one would complain!), but the cherry is certainly there! The heat is a very pleasant tingling type of sensation at first, then exhibiting that traditional 'Ghost' creeper burn- only a few mins. after does it progress from tingle to a bit of actual 'burn' on the tongue. I'd also rate the burn as easily enjoyable by those who aren't into hot foods, despite it being a 'Ghost' candy. If your target audience was more for the chilehead and not the general consumer.... by all means, up the powder! Make it hotter... but appropriate the cherry with it, to keep a well balanced product- neither being too peppery or just all fruit. 
The envelope came not too long ago. I tried the candy, and I liked it quite a bit. Good flavor I must say. The heat wasn't too bad, I wonder how many scoville heat units...
My tongue is still tingling as I just sampled a piece. It's got enough heat to keep me from overdoing it and it's very tasty. As has already been mentioned, the cherry flavor could be a little stronger.
Thank you for the sample, I'll be placing an order for some soon.
Got my sample pretty quickly. Thank you! I shared it with a friend and we both agreed it was very good. The heat level was very accessible. I don't consider myself a chili head and the heat level was just enough to be fun. Can't say I broke a sweat though. I was worried enough holding the packet and seeing 1M scoville written on it. Cherry flavor was good but faded quickly.

I give it a thumbs up. I'd be willing to try something hotter. But the hotter you get, the smaller your market gets.