Freeking garden snails here in AZ?

I've noticed holes in pepper leaves lately, not many but maybe 10% of the 130 plants.  Can never find any bug on them during the day so was thinking its a night attack from something.  While harvesting strawberries today I found snails, and a LOT of them under the strawberry leaves.  Many berries had been munched on by the slimy devils.  In looking harder under the peppers with the leaf issues I also found snails burrowed into the compost.  In an hour I'd collected over 100 of them for disposal.  Doesn't seem to be many good ways to really kill them that I could find.  Does anyone have a good insecticide?  A bowl of beer and time just won't cut it IMHO.
not an  inscticide but it work very well

Copper Blocker
Had a slug problem when I listened to my wife and built one of those dumb pallet garden things for her.  You fill the in betweens with soil and the idea is that the wood to either side prevents weeds.  Ye, and when it gets wet it just about grows slugs.  What I did was very mean to slugs and I am told it is just as mean to snails.

Diatomaceous earth can be had dirt cheap if you don't buy the food grade stuff nor the stuff specifically for gardening.  If you get it threw a feed store you can often find it in the chicken feed section.  It is used to keep pests off birds and is 100 percent natural and non toxic.  Like I said, there is even a food grade version.

The stuff feels like a fine powder to you and I.  But it is made up of tiny fosils with sharp edges.  When things with mucus membranes crawl threw it, they get thousands of tiny cuts.  Eventually, they dehydrate to death because that mucus membrane kept them from loosing body fluids.

Fun part, i do not think it goes away all that fast.  I think it sticks around in your soil and might even build up year after year.
Both copper and diatomaceous earth are your best choices depending on what you have available to you in your area. Check your plants after dark though, could be earwigs.
Ye, but if you go the tiny copper fence thing you gotta buy a bunch of tiny farmer smurf figurines to stand up next to the fence.  Next thing you know it is farmer smurf tractors and then a farmer smurf barn.  Before long, the snails are all gone but farmer smurf and his smurfy friends are wandering off with all your strawberries. 