Fresh hot pepper samples?

Is anyone willing/able to mail off fresh peppers for me to sample?  Not looking for donations, I am more than willing to pay for these peppers.  I just would really like to expand my palet and figure this is a good site to do it with.  I am interested in more than just super hots as I love peppers across the board.  Although I will admit an affinity for the super hots.  Also, if this post doesn't belong under this topic I appoligize and will move it to the appropraite area.  Anyway, if you are willing/able to guide me on my adventure please PM me or post. Thank you!
Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand? 
It's still a bit early for the US, but in a couple of months there will be several offers of small boxes of pepper berry pods per DAY. 
Hang tight, the peppa's is comin! 
Welcome to THP!
I'm not that far out and will have more varieties than you can shake a stick at.. Hoping just a couple months cause its still too cold to get outside! I do have at least ten types of powder tho.. There's not a ton left but could send enough that you wouldn't eat it all before the ripe ones are ready.

Btw keep your eyes on the forum adds in the classified section.. That's where your going to find them once they're ready.
I too am looking forward to the opportunity to try some. Hell, I just spent nearly three weeks searching my area for prik kee noo. Finally found some this morning. Went to a local farmers market. I stood at the box for about fifteen minutes picking out the littlest ripe ones. Good heat and good flavor.