Fresh Pods USA only

I'm sure most of you know a little about the flooding going on.

Here's a link with some info:

This the auction going currently for Australia only:

I sent a PM to Candice and she has given the OK for the winner/buyer of my fresh pepper sale to pay by directly donating to her PayPal account: Check that first link above for more info on that.

I will cover the cost of postage. If you are concerned about fresh pods freezing while in transit, I think the biggest problem will be when they are sitting in your mailbox. They should be OK while in possession by the fine folks at the USPS. If the winner wants, I can have them held at your Post Office and you can go there and pick them up. Worse case, they freeze and you make sauce with them and some folks get a little much needed disaster relief.

What is it that I am offering? I'll get the camera out this evening and post pics and get a more accurate count but I just wanted to get this thing started ASAP. So, I have probably 2 or 3 small Flat Rate Priority boxes of ripe Yellow 7 Pod, Fatali, maybe even a couple small Bhut Jolokia pods. Basically, I'm gonna harvest all the ripe pods in the greenhouse and offer them.

Since I don't yet know the exact quantity of pods I have, let's just bid on the price of one and the rest will be offered at that price to the next highest bidders. Or if you have a better suggestion how to run this, speak up!

If no interest, I will buy my own for $10 per box save myself the shipping and enjoy some fresh ripe Super Hots in January! I guess I just opened the bidding at $10.

Check back soon and I'll have some pics posted.

Auction closes 11:59 pm, Monday night, January 17, 2011. Making it fast cause the peppers need to be harvested!

I am interested on the count of Fatalli's as I need to find a small supply to continue some of my sauces until next harvest.
Tried to count the pods and still only a guess. Not that easy to count them while on the plants! Looks like there are about 20 to 25 Yellow 7's. Some are approaching golf ball size and some are so small that I didn't count them. So, about 20 to 25 decent Y7P's and a few smaller runts.
Daughter counted the Fatali and not sure if she included the "runts" in her count or not. She said 50 to 60 pods. Most of these are decent sized at about 2 inches. They are not huge Summer time pods but, still nice and have great flavor. I like them better now than I did in the summer.
The Bhuts are very small in size and number. About 4 pods maybe 1.5 inches. Enough for a taste.
Also have an unknown pequin type pepper and some Thai pods I'll throw in too.

Here a few pics. Didn't have access to a decent camera tonight. Please excuse the picture quality.


Largest Fatali pod

Yellow 7

Yellow 7's

Baby Bhuts

So, how many do I get? Think of a sandwich sized ziplock bag of fatalis and maybe a half dozen Yellow 7's. However many fits in a small flat rate box. Won't know for sure till the sale is over as that is when I'll harvest. May get a few more ripe by then too.

Not sure but I think you will be paying in Australian Dollars. Checked the exchange rate. Seems to be just about 1 to 1 equal right now.

Good luck, have fun, and don't make me buy my own peppers. :D
TONLY! WOW! Fresh pods in January! Great opportunity for the lucky recipients.

Thanks for helping out however you can.

If you don't mind my mentioning it, there will also be a hot chile products auction for US bidders in a couple weeks.

Thanks again for the help for our Aussie friends.
Salsalady, Definitely mention the upcoming US auction. I'm hoping this little pepper sale will bring more attention to upcoming events.

Thanks PepperBen.
Tried to count the pods and still only a guess. Not that easy to count them while on the plants! Looks like there are about 20 to 25 Yellow 7's. Some are approaching golf ball size and some are so small that I didn't count them. So, about 20 to 25 decent Y7P's and a few smaller runts.
Daughter counted the Fatali and not sure if she included the "runts" in her count or not. She said 50 to 60 pods. Most of these are decent sized at about 2 inches. They are not huge Summer time pods but, still nice and have great flavor. I like them better now than I did in the summer.
The Bhuts are very small in size and number. About 4 pods maybe 1.5 inches. Enough for a taste.
Also have an unknown pequin type pepper and some Thai pods I'll throw in too.

So, how many do I get? Think of a sandwich sized ziplock bag of fatalis and maybe a half dozen Yellow 7's. However many fits in a small flat rate box. Won't know for sure till the sale is over as that is when I'll harvest. May get a few more ripe by then too.

Not sure but I think you will be paying in Australian Dollars. Checked the exchange rate. Seems to be just about 1 to 1 equal right now.

Good luck, have fun, and don't make me buy my own peppers. :D

That is great! Yes it will be in $AUS which paypal will convert. A few days ago $1 AU was 97cUS. So it is hovering around the dollar for dollar depending what day.
T... I will take a box of whatever your selling at $25 :dance:

Saw some video from Perth, I think it was, and feel very lucky to not have to endure such troubles :(
Salsalady, Definitely mention the upcoming US auction. I'm hoping this little pepper sale will bring more attention to upcoming events. Thanks PepperBen.

Thanks PepperBen. <??????????

Super cool of you to do Tonly, I thought your name was Toby?
Thanks PepperBen. <??????????

Super cool of you to do Tonly, I thought your name was Toby?

I am Toby. I was just saying thanks to PepperBen for his participation.

Thanks again PepperBen.

And thanks to Alphaeon, too. Things look to be pretty bad over there and sounds like the wet weather is expected to continue for awhile.
I'm going to add a little bonus to the first box of peppers...Mesquite Smoked Yellow 7 Pod Powder. :woohoo:

Once again, please excuse the picture quality...

Quick question: Is biding price for the price per box of pods or for all of the pods? i.e the total cost would be the number of boxes times the price/box bid?
Quick question: Is biding price for the price per box of pods or for all of the pods? i.e the total cost would be the number of boxes times the price/box bid?

Thanks for your question.
The bid price is for one box. I will harvest all the pods Monday evening and however many additional boxes there are will be offered at the winning price. My thought is that winning bidder will have 1st option, then 2nd highest bidder, so forth. Trying not to make this too complicated.
Think of your bid as a donation and not a purchase.
Maybe someone has a better way to run this. If so, let me know.
I haven't boxed up any peppers in awhile but I'm just guessing there will be 2 to 3 small flat rate boxes available.

Thanks for the speedy reply! I will try to scrape together some funds for tomorrow, our Aussi friends deserve every bit.
I picked all the peppers. Well, the Thai didn't look that great and they're a pain to pick so, just a few of those. :D

There are 2 small flat rate boxes. The peppers are in ziplocks lined with a paper towel and the boxes are full. The high bidder gets the Mesquite smoked Y7P powder and the option to take both boxes. If uninterested in the 2nd box, the 2nd highest bidder will be offered the box at the highest bid price.

Auction closes at 11:59 pm CST. That's the middle of the night for me :) so I won't know the outcome till about 4:30 or 5:00 am. If you are the high bidder at 11:59 just PM me your shipping info and whether or not you want me to have the pkg held at your Post Office.

Don't forget to make your donation to
Follow the directions posted in this link
Leave a comment with your paypal so she knows what it's for.

If bidder #1 doesn't want to double up and take both, please post below so #2 bidder knows whether to send me their shipping info, etc.

If you don't win and are so inclined, I am sure any donation would be much appreciated. Sounds like there are a few thousand people who don't have a place to call home right now.

If I get your shipping info before about 6:30 am CST the pkg will ship out tomorrow.

Here is what they look like.

The whole lot:


What's in box #1. I added the paper towel liner to each bag after this pic. I think it helps them keep a little better.


Thanks everyone for participating. Don't forget to watch for the upcoming "main event" auctions that SalsaLady, Wildfire Chilli, and others are working on.
