Fresh superhot powder

Anybody have fresh superhot powder to sell? I'm looking for Fatalii, Bhuts, Nagas, Habs (red, peach, chocolate), TScorp...Thanks. WickedMojo...I tried to send you a PM, but all full.
I don't have any now but will have bunches of the powder come late november/early december...
I don't have any now but will have bunches of the powder come late november/early december...
[/quote Thanks AJ. I'm now trying to figure out what to do. After obtaining 4 jars of your purees and some goodies at the PNW Chilehead party, I'm trying to figure out how much superhot powder I should get (if any now). I'm feeding my chile addiction and don't know where to stop.
that's cool ca...I will be putting up ads along as I harvest/dehydrate and grind...