food Fricasseed Chicken

I love fricasseed chicken !! Cooking this way lends it's self to so many different cuisines . Hunter's Chicken for the Italian's and the list runs on and on . The mix of veggies and spices always help make this style of chicken dish wonderful. I hope the next time you all cook chicken in a
fricasseed style you'll remember this thread on show us how to do things.

What I'm going to show is a tropical style fricasseed chicken. I took the recipe for Pasta From Hell
and just added chicken. What makes this a little different is the use fruit juices and fruit. And the parmesan cheese at the end really tops it off !!

First step for me is to "season up" the chicken thighs. So I chopped up a yellow onion , green onions , carrots , bell pepper , and garlic. At this point you could add anything you want that will take being cooked for a long time. I let this sit for at 3 hours or up to over night. Here's a picture of the chicken thighs seasoning and a few other items I'll use later. The orange stuff in the jar is my home made Inner Beauty style hot sauce. Nuff Scotch Bonnets , mustard , mango, etc. Very nice !!


The next thing I did was scrape everything off the thighs , dust them lightly with flour , and brown them up real nice.


Then I set them aside , got rid of the excess corn oil, and sautéed the veggies until the onion was soft and the mixture was giving off a wonderful aroma. Then put the chicken back in the pan and added 4 tablespoons of the hot sauce , a mixture of the pineapple juice from the tidbits , lime and orange juices , and a little brown sugar.



After the chicken is done cooking , about 45 min. and I have a nice gray going on I take the thighs out again. Then I add the pineapple tidbits , a handful of cilantro , a few small tomatoes and cook that for a few minutes. Then I add the parmesan cheese and banana slices that are about 1/2 " to 3/4" thick. You want to use green bananas , very firm and green . You don't need to really cook the bananas just mix things up good.

One more post to finish ...
After all is said and done I toped off some fettuccinie with my stuff. Sorry for the sloppy presentation , but I was sloppy at that time !! Too many tunes and Stripes !! But it tasted great !!


Peace ,
P. Dreadie
Looks delish. :)

Heh, I had this old bookmark ya reminded me of...

Fricasseed Chicken.

For this the fowls need not be as tender as for roasting. Clean, wash, and cut up, and place for half an hour in salt water. Then put into a pot, with half a pound of salt pork, and cover with cold water. Cover the pot, let them heat very slowly, and then stew for over an hour, or much longer if the chickens are tough. Take care to cook very slowly; rapid boiling toughens them. When tender add a small onion or two, some parsley and pepper. Cover again, bring to a boil, and stir in a cupful of milk, to which are added two beaten eggs and two tablespoonfuls of flour. Boil up, and add a large spoonful of butter. Place the chicken in a deep dish, pour the gravy over it, and serve. In all cases where beaten egg is added to a hot liquid, it is best first to drop a little into the egg, beating while doing so, to heat it gradually, and prevent it curdling, as it will if thrown suddenly into hot liquor.

From the "Household Companion: The Model CookBook" c. 1909

A Complete Cook Book—Practical Household Recipes, Aids And Hints For Household Decorations; The Care Of Domestic Plants And Animals And A Treatise On Domestic Medicine. Including a Chapter on TUBERCULOSIS The Great White Plague A CURABLE AND PREVENTABLE DISEASE.


Thus, we now have a thing called: The Crockpot.
Mine's made out of Stoneware, is bright Orange and dates from the 1970's :D

Sloppy presentation? That look fantastic! I've always wondered what Fricasseeing was ever since I heard Daffy Duck talk about it when I was a kid. Although I think he was talking about Fricasseed rabbit too.
P. Dreadie said:
After all is said and done I toped off some fettuccinie with my stuff. Sorry for the sloppy presentation , but I was sloppy at that time !! Too many tunes and Stripes !! But it tasted great !!


Peace ,
P. Dreadie

That pic has hot, blue, and righteous painted all over it. PD, jump back and kiss 'yo 'sef two times!
Man oh man, you deserve an honorary crown for that one... man the day you enter a Throwdown is the day you win. That's all I have to say on that!
THP , thanks but I can't seem to get my timing down on entering .......

TB I have tears in my eyes ! "hot, blue, and righteous painted all over it" What better rating ??

P. Dreadie
That is some dish! You sir, have a talent and the day you enter a Throwdown, I'll sit out cause I doubt I'd have a chance up against you.
Pepperfreak thanks but I don't know why you'd sit out , there are far bigger threats in this group !! We've seen their work ...... and it was great.

P. Dreadie
Never seen or eaten fricasseed chicken before. I'm going to have a talk with moms, I thought she loved me.

Good looking meal P. man, thanks for sharing.