nutrients Fruit down low vs up high

I have a pimento diomar plant in a 2-3 gallon bucket. What causes all the fruit near the base to be large and healthy but the fruit on the top of the plant to be tiny and stunted? Plant looks healthy and I’ve already harvested a few fruits and dried and ground them. Miracle grow is in the pot and I sprinkled some Osmocote slow release pellets on top of the soil a few weeks ago. It’s as if the nutrients aren’t reaching the outer extremities before getting used up by the first in line. Opinions?
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Good question.
My thoughts are the older lower nodes have more full sized peppers.
The upper ones have just begun to fruit, while the 'lowers' have been trying to grow fruits way before the top.
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Good question.
My thoughts are the older lower nodes have more full sized peppers.
The upper ones have just begun to fruit, while the 'lowers' have been trying to grow fruits way before the top.
Yeah you may be right. The lower nodes are the most mature parts of the plant
It's quite obvious - the lower branches flowered before the upper branches had even grown therefore they are developed and developing fruit before the upper branches have even flowered.
Nothing to worry about. It's how Capsicum grows.
It's quite obvious - the lower branches flowered before the upper branches had even grown therefore they are developed and developing fruit before the upper branches have even flowered.
Nothing to worry about. It's how Capsicum grows.
Yeah I understand. I’ve already harvested fruit from the lower branches and it’s full again of grown fruit that just hasn’t ripened yet. The fruit up high looks tiny. I will be patient and see if it grows. I’ve had a few fruit that ripened and were the size of Barbie doll peppers 😂