I know I've read about this a bunch on the forum here but my searches aren't really coming up with much.
My plants are flowering a lot but no fruit is growing...
Weather here has been awesome. 28-30c (82-86f) during the day, 16-20c (60-70f) at night. This isn't too hot, right? I saw AJ complaining about his heat causing the plants to not set fruit but I bet he is 10c hotter then here.
I don't fertilise much. The dirt I grow in has a lot of compost & worm castings mixed in. A few weeks before I planted the peppers, I sprayed the area fairly heavily with fish emulsion. When I planted I turned it all over, made sure the soil was loose at 18" down and fertilised with some organic tomato fertiliser granule stuff. Since then I've fed lightly with seaweed/kelp junk 2 or 3 times.
The plants are mostly just insanely bushy, no where near as tall as most plants I see on the forum here. They are so much bushier and wider then last year that my garden is looking a bit cramped now. The plants are at least 2.5'-3' across and maybe 18"-24" high. LOADED with flowers and not many pods.
The chinense varieties are especially doing this. My annums are setting some fruit but not much. They are also taller and skinnier.
Any hints/tips/tricks?
Should I go buy some fertiliser and give them a dose of something? I gave away my miracle grow a while back to a friend... So I have nothing but the fish emulsion and seaweed/kelp junk. I was hoping I didn't need any more fertiliser then what I have. But my growing season isn't as long as some people and I think if I don't get some pods on soon, I won't get many ripe pods this year.
My plants are flowering a lot but no fruit is growing...
Weather here has been awesome. 28-30c (82-86f) during the day, 16-20c (60-70f) at night. This isn't too hot, right? I saw AJ complaining about his heat causing the plants to not set fruit but I bet he is 10c hotter then here.
I don't fertilise much. The dirt I grow in has a lot of compost & worm castings mixed in. A few weeks before I planted the peppers, I sprayed the area fairly heavily with fish emulsion. When I planted I turned it all over, made sure the soil was loose at 18" down and fertilised with some organic tomato fertiliser granule stuff. Since then I've fed lightly with seaweed/kelp junk 2 or 3 times.
The plants are mostly just insanely bushy, no where near as tall as most plants I see on the forum here. They are so much bushier and wider then last year that my garden is looking a bit cramped now. The plants are at least 2.5'-3' across and maybe 18"-24" high. LOADED with flowers and not many pods.
The chinense varieties are especially doing this. My annums are setting some fruit but not much. They are also taller and skinnier.
Any hints/tips/tricks?
Should I go buy some fertiliser and give them a dose of something? I gave away my miracle grow a while back to a friend... So I have nothing but the fish emulsion and seaweed/kelp junk. I was hoping I didn't need any more fertiliser then what I have. But my growing season isn't as long as some people and I think if I don't get some pods on soon, I won't get many ripe pods this year.