Fun things found at my garden store


Well, I went to snag some larger pots and got a nice deal on Western Pulp 8x8 fiber pots for .99/ea. These are actually very durable and can last up to 1-2 years if I'm careful since they won't be outside or getting as wet as some plants would need.

Irony or Fate IDK, but I snagged one extra pot than I needed...well, turns out my feeling was correct. ;)

While I was there, asked the nice gal if they had any pepper plants. She said yes but wasn't sure what was left and to go check the racks outside. Found some scrawly cayennes and a couple 'red chiles'.

So, I walked around to another rack that had mostly huge tomatos and bell peppers..then I saw familiar white flowers.

Well, I found this weirdness...a foot tall Jalapeno thats even a 3" pot. :shocked:


Boggles my mind...why wasn't it repotted, how did it survive this long that way, and in this 96F weather lately even? This was just on a rack outside in the parking lot.

Amazingly, it's actually fairly healthy if leggy. Needless to say, it'll be repotted right away. :)

Bloody astounding how resilient these peppers are.

Oh, and it cost all of $1.99. ;-D

Pepperfreak said:
Maybe it's like Jack and Jalapeño Stalk...LOL :lol: Cool find though.

Ahhh, so THAT'S where pepper-jack comes from...:lol:

Ya, it's funny, all I have are like 3" tall plants so far. Then I walk up to my friend with that thing...told him I'm cheating now..teehee.
Here it is repotted..seems pretty happy.

I'm keeping it in the sun and away from the other babies on account of it had a few aphids..(aieeeee)


I think I got 'em all though.
