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A few of you may remember my "fusarium wilt" problem I posted about a few months back.

Briefly: lower leaves wilted, yellowed, fell off. This progressed slowly but steadilly up plants. Plants seemed to shed flowers excessively.I ordered MYCOSTOP which looked great....it never came. The company refunded my $ and apologized, so I won't bad mouth them. They said that they were out of it in the short term. Whatever.
I treated roughly 1/3 of my plants with some crap from a hydroponics store. The treated plants look worse than the untreated ones.
To Date:
Punjab Lal::) Not much problem, late producing.

Vietmnamese mini: Fusarium who?

Habanero::No problem

Bell peppers::( No fruit yet,look like lolipops with only leaves at at the top. Worst hit.

Jalapeno::evil: Decently recovered, not too much fruit production.

Super Shepherd:Late producing

Paprika::treated it.(doh!)1 pepper so far...

Purple Pequin:Looked like they would die, leaves twisted and deformed, going.....going...suddenly looking healthy and producing tons of peppers.....:shocked:

The moral is that all of the peppers look like they will live untreated. All are producing fruit. Even the bells are starting new growth towards the bottom of their stems!
I'm heaving the same problem with three of my plants for some odd reason.....They turn a yellow shade and droup. Then start to fall off. It's almost as if they are getting too much water....
imaguitargod said:
I'm heaving the same problem with three of my plants for some odd reason.....They turn a yellow shade and droup. Then start to fall off. It's almost as if they are getting too much water....

Maybe you should start playing some death metal for them. It worked on mythbusters...Sorry, I need sleep. ahaha
Hmmm The signature is that the bottom most leaves yellow and drop first, moving their way up. I caught mine from some "garden soil" at Lowe's home center. That Mycostop sounded like a really great thing. It is a beneficial bacteria that eats fusarium on sight. It is so healthy for the roots that the manufacturers guarantee plant improvement even on a plant that has never been infected.