I have been deseeding some of my peppers (Red and Yellow Devils's tongue, Chocolate habs, and savina Habs to name a few). I had a gallon Zip lock in the fridge full of these peps. My wife decided to offer some to the baby sitter. She was reluctant to take them because there was no seeds. she thought they wouldn't be hot. My wife told her she still needs to be careful with them. The babysitter took about 20 or so. That night she made some salsa AND PUT ALL OF THEM IN. The house was so full of spice they had to remove the crying kids (mine where home by now) until the house cleared. Talk about pepper spraying your own kids. The food was so hot they couldn't eat it. Days later the sitters husband took some to work to share. One guy put a spoonful on his hamburger. He had to throw it out. He was warned, then lost his lunch. These peppers are damn hot.