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Galapagoense seeds

I'm looking for CGN 22208.
Having a very hard time getting them to sprout/grow...
Now after LOTS of failed attemps I'm gonna get one to
grow and set pods or die trying. LOL

I had a couple healthy plants 2 yrs. ago but got put in the hospital and they got cooked by the Aug. 100 degree heat.

Next season I got 1 plant to sprout and grow until we had one last set of cold weather ( in the middle of 80 degree days) and rain that killed them.

It took several EXPENSIVE packs of seeds to get the plants I did get.

Bugs also seem to know exactly what plants I REALLY LIKE or want to grow too.

They develope a taste for them and eat them first.
Doesn't matter what it is,If I really want that variety they go after it first.

I'm on a mission,come he77 or high water.

I have a spot inside where I will grow it this time.
I'll be living within inches of the pot.
Any bug that even looks at it is history.
i've got Cyrphid Flies,Wasps,Ladybugs and a mini White fly eating ladybug already taking up residencey in my indoor growing area.
NO MERCY this year.

Just need more seeds.A source...


EDIT-Sorry wrong place....But I'll leave it here for those that don't go to the seed trade section or have any advice on getting seeds or whatever.