• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Garden progress!

Back story: I started a garden as soon as I bought my house, about 12 years ago. At that time, parts of my subdivision were still being built. The builder was installing small rear stoops on everybody's back door, which people would tear out and replace with larger decks. However, those stoops were made out of cedar! So I was able to scavenge cedar boards from the curbside and build raised beds for the first couple years living here.

By now, though, the cedar has mostly rotted and I had to rip out the beds. Not having enough money to replace them, I raked out the garden into raised rows, and laid down newspaper and rotted boards between them. Pics below:

(Pics taken just after sunset, so quality is low)


Beds 14 feet x 4 feet, some covered in cut grass.

My compost pile :)


Cabbage and broccoli

Snow peas to grow up the trellis my son and I built out of Apple branches.

All the beds are being fortified with organic material, and I'll be using a planting scheme a lot like square foot gardening, as well as vertical gardening where practical.

Plans include tomatoes, cucumbers, summer squash, pole beans, and of course, tons of sweet and hot peppers!

I'll be putting an herb garden in another location as well this season.
i like the trellis idea out of natural things from home, i think i'll have to employ your idea in a few places this seasson.
Some more recent pics...


^^ The first peppers.Six of each, Green bell peppers, Jalapenos, and habaneros.


^^ Egg plants, cherry tomatoes, and Rutgers.


^^ More Rutgers and beefsteaks.