• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Gatehiders Nuub Reaper Glog

Hi All,

First post by Gatehider from RI. I am a Nuub to Chilis and posting so bear with me. I got interested in hot chili's because my wife is SE Asian and eats raw chiles with every meal like they are candy. I can eat a little bit of spice, but my current tolerance is slightly above a total pansy. So I ordered 3 Carolina Reaper seedlings, potted them up in early June and watched them turn yellow and almost die within a month. I hope to upload some pics of the subsequent progress.
Welcome. You went straight for the crazy heat even after admitting you can only handle a little? :crazy:
Sorry just playing...... :party:
Don't give up, we all had our fair share of pepper fatalities. Try different varieties, believe it or not peppers have flavors too and not just heat.
Also, spend some time in the GLOG's section. You can find all the things you need to know to grow tasty heat in your area.
Good luck