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seeds Germinating seeds

I am looking for some advice a .I bought a hydrofarm grow system and only 4 seeds germinated in 3 weeks how long do i have to wait to add new seeds i don't have a grow light as yet so i don't know if thats my problem or i have to wait any advice will help.
Seeds dont need light to grow - What temp are you germinating at? do you have a mat under them ? Are you using nutes as well?
+1 for heater...also what type and how many did you plant? Chinense types take quite a bit longer than others on average. So if your germinating supers or habaneros you need to give them some time. Some of mine popped in as little as 4 days, while others took over a month. I soak my seeds in a weak tea overnight before starting, then keep them in the mid 80's for temp.
How are you watering them? Keep the soil or pellets moist but not wet! I also recommend covering the seeds with a plastic humidity dome. A stable germinating temp works best! I recommend a soil thermometer, stick the soil thermometer in the soil or pellet, try for a temp of 82-85 if you are growing super hots, get a thermostat if you are having trouble maintaining these temps!
I agree with all these. I'm growing two varieties of super hots, and already have 4 seedlings that just sprouted after a little more than a week, but you have to give them more time, sometimes up to 4 weeks or so, and having them in high humidity works. Temperature wise, 80-85 is good, but some say 95-100 is better. I've done both, and closer to 80-85 tends to work best. As long as you have a heating mat that is consistent, and don't plant them too deep (less than 1/4 inch is best) and be patient, then you should be fine.
I am using a heater mat that came with it & I don't know what temperture my soil is.I am watering every other day & I am growing mostly super hots.
Keep the soil moist (not soaking though), and make sure your temps are at least 20 degrees celsius (68 fahrenheit) or you may some issues with the superhots. As said above 27-30 celsius is ideal.
You will need a light after they pop. If you're growing exclusively inside; lash out and get as much wattage as your dollars will allow! :)
Good deal. Try not to water them TOO much, as I was able to get the super hots I've got now to germinate with just one main watering. If the tray you're using doesn't have a basin underneath, then more than one watering would be necessary of course, but if it does, then you may just be causing rot or fungal growth. That being said, patience is your ally.
germination percent for several annuum varieties are dang near zero at or above 95F...I am assuming the same for chinense and have been experiencing that exact thing this year...my germination percentages have suffered because of that...your recommendation of 80-85F is dead nuts on....

and, if at any time after the germination process starts, the soil/seed dry out...instant death...
remember that without a thermostat that heat mat is designed to warm the seeds 10 to 20 degrees above ambient temperature...about perfect for a 70 degree house, but maybe too much if you put it in a window or near a heat source or not enough if you keep it in a cold garage.